Astropreneurs Summer Camp: 7-Week Business + Astrology Mastermind


Calling all conscious entrepreneurs: Join The AstroTwins for a 7-week online experience to keep your momentum flowing and your inspiration high. Build your business in sync with the stars. Tap into tools and your unique birth chart to pave a powerful path to your dreams. (June 20 – August 1, 2019)

Harness the summer solstice and July’s two eclipses. Let’s light a cosmic campfire under your dreams!
June 20-August 1, 2019

  • Kick off your week with “Monday Motivation” livestreams
  • Align your weekly action plan with this summer’s stars
  • Exchange ideas in a private, supportive Facebook group open 24/7
  • Learn to use your birth chart as a tool you can tap into anytime
  • Discover success secrets based on your unique birth chart
  • Meet creative kindred spirits from around the globe
  • Fill your tanks with encouragement
  • Move from confusion to clarity in your career!

All sales are final and non-refundable. For questions about your order see our FAQ or write our team at