Supercouple Chart Calculator
Enter the time, date and place of birth for both people to get your full Supercouple (Composite) Chart.
Don’t know the time? Use noon or your closest estimate. However, the rising sign/ascendant can not be accurately calculated without a birth time.
How does this work? Learn the Supercouple System
Is there any way to put these composite planets into a Wheel?
Thank you!
Absolutely! You can do a free composite chart over at
What does that mean?
Thank you so much! I went to to see the houses and their version showed a very different composite chart from the one I pulled here. I trust yours more but would love to see the houses. Is there a chart type I should use?
Great question – our calculator uses Placidus/Tropical houses.
How do we read what house the composite planet is in?
Our calculator doesn’t have houses at the moment, but you can do a free Composite Midpoint chart on that will show those. Than
Composite North Node exactly conjunct Composite Venus… Very interesting for my bf and I!
Wow, indeed!